Indoor totem

Indoor information and advertising totems for convention centers. Ideal for public and private offices, companies, hotels, restaurants, meeting rooms, bars, shops, shopping centers, fairs


Indoor Advertising Totems: A Detailed Guide

Indoor advertising totems are very effective visual communication tools, capable of attracting visitors’ attention and transmitting information in an engaging way.

Features of Indoor Advertising Totems

Indoor advertising totems are usually made of light and resistant materials, such as aluminium, plastic or cardboard. They can be customized in terms of size, shape and colour, to perfectly fit your surroundings and the message you want to convey.

The main characteristics of indoor advertising totems are:

  • Easy installation and transport
  • Customization based on specific needs
  • Adaptability to different environments and contexts
  • Resistance and durability

Advantages of Indoor Advertising Totems

The use of indoor advertising totems offers numerous advantages, including:

  • Increase in visibility of the brand or advertising message
  • Enhancement of the company image
  • Stimulation of sales and word of mouth
  • Versatility and adaptability to different communication needs

Types of Indoor Advertising Totems

There are different types of indoor advertising totems, each with specific characteristics and functions:

  • Static advertising totems: they are the most traditionaland are based on the printing of images and texts on rigid materials. They are ideal for temporary exhibitions, fairs and events.
  • Luminous advertising totems: they are equipped with internal lighting, which highlights the advertising message and increases its visual impact. They are particularly suitable for low-light environments or to attract attention in crowded spaces.
  • Inflatable advertising totems: practical and easily transportable, they can be used both indoors and outdoors, making them ideal for dynamic and interactive advertising campaigns.

How to Choose the Indoor Advertising Totem Suitable for Your Needs

To choose the indoor advertising totem best suited to your needs, take the following factors into consideration:

  • Budget: evaluate the budget available and choose a totem that fits your economic possibilities.
  • Available space: consider the space in which the totem will be placed and select an appropriate size.
  • Duration of display: if the totem will be used for a temporary event, a static model may be sufficient; if, however, it will remain exposed for a long period, consider the option of a luminous or digital totem.
  • Content: based on the message you wish to convey, evaluate whether a static, luminous or digital totem is the most suitable solution.

If you are looking for an indoor advertising totem for hotels, restaurants and fairs ready for delivery, ideal for public and private offices, you can order these indoor advertising displays online in various shapes and sizes.

Buy your promotional displays on our store at wholesale prices. The best indoor totem, both to give a touch of elegance and modernity, is the Triface Totem for exterior and interior with dimensions of 70 x 200 cm. and 70 x 250 cm. Very convenient because it allows a 3-sided view and the information message always remains visible from almost all angles and because it is also versatile, it is suitable for use both in closed and open spaces.